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a b o u t  u s

Local. Efficient. Impactful.

‘I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.’ – Mother Teresa




100 Women Who Care Greeley is designed to make an immediate positive effect on the lives of our neighbors by bringing together 100 (or more) women in Greeley and the surrounding areas who care about local community causes and who are committed to community strength. Our Events are one hour in length and take place four times per year; allowing our members to mingle and network with like minded women in our community. Each Event agenda includes three charities presenting their need for a financial donation, attending members will vote and the donations will be presented to the selected charity. Every member commits to donating $100 x 4 meetings per year = $40,000 per year to our local community.



100 Women Who Care was started in November of 2006 by Karen Dunigan of Jackson, Michigan as a simple way to raise money quickly and efficiently for local charities. At their first one-hour meeting, the group of over 100 women each wrote a check for $100 directly to The Center for Family Health, their chosen local charity, raising $12,800 to buy 300 new baby cribs. Since then, chapters have formed all over the world. There are now more than 850 chapters either fully operational (600) or under development (more than 250) and they include women, men, people, kids, and teens chapters.



Our local Greeley Chapter was founded in March of 2021 by Lisa Shelley and Tammy Sliz.  Our founding Steering Committee consists of Lisa, Tammy, Beth Aksamitowski and Chris Moser, who donate their time throughout the year to make sure our chapter runs smoothly. We are each strong in our own right, but together we are stronger and know that this organization can have a major impact on the climate of our community. Our first inaugural event will take place on Thursday, April 29, 2021 and we are so very excited to see the impact that 100 Women Who Care Greeley is going to have!




We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

100 Women Who Care Greeley

100 Women x $100 x 1 Hour x 4 times a year = $40,000 raised annually and awarded to 4 Non-Profit Organizations!


Phone: 970.702.2726


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